Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Sri N.Chandrababu Naidu said every official in the government, from village officer to the State Chief Secretary must work with unified spirit to achieve desired results. Janmabhoomi-Maa Vooru campaign, he said, forms basis to achieve it.
In a teleconference with the district collectors and government officials, the
Chief Minister gave some directions. He directed the officials to visit
villages at field level once in every week or 10 days to analyze the actual
Stating that it must be a continuous process, he asked the officials to submit
a report on how swiftly they have redressed a complaint that was received
during the Gramasabhas. "We should have transparency in the process. The
ultimate goal is to satisfy the needs of the people. To achieve this, we are
organizing Grama Sabhas at such massive scale, which is a big feat in the
country” he said.
Meanwhile, he suggested the officials to give grading to each village based
on the 20 growth indicators. He asked the officials to ensure water
mapping is done in every village and information on the water resources is
timely informed to the local people. He also directed the officials to monitor
the construction of roads for 3 km every day, in the villages and submit
daily reports.
27,000 employees covering are regularly uploading data from village-level,
if necessary, take the help of local engineering colleges, he added. He also
suggested to identify best partners in "Smart Village ward-start 'program
and felicitate them at the district level.
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